
Work Experience

In Year 10 all of our students have the opportunity to go on work experience programme for a week. 

The programme is run jointly by the school and the Employment & Skills Service (part of Positive Steps) and is designed to provide pupils with a unique opportunity to sample the world of work in a real environment that is not necessarily the job or career that they intend to follow.   Work experience provides the opportunity to develop skills that can prepare pupils for the world of work. It can also be invaluable for pupils when making applications for options for when they leave school.

Work Experience Choices

The Academy encourages students to find their own placement. If your child has very specific preferences, then it might be worthwhile for you and your child to consider contacting an employer to see if they would be willing for your child to go on placement. You may already have contacts with a company that maybe willing to offer your child a placement. Students must contact employers using their MEA email account and must also inform parents/carers when they are looking for self-placements. They must then ask the employer to complete the “Self Placement” form and hand it in to Mrs Patel.

Work Experience final check list

Prior to the placement, all students who have secured a placement must do the following:

  1. Make contact with the employer two weeks before the visit to confirm the placement. 
  2. Plan the travel route (we advise you to carry out a prior visit to the placement).
  3. Ensure the correct dress wear is ready.
  4. To consider taking a packed lunch just in case it is difficult to go and buy lunch.
  5. Ensure that your phone is fully charged.



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