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Health and Wellbeing
This area of our website aims to signpost parents, carers and young people to services offering additional support to improve health and wellbeing.
If you have a worry and would like some advice or to discuss how you are feeling with someone at MEA, you can send a message to worry@meacad.org.uk and our Wellbeing Team will get back to you. Please give some details of your concern or how we can help you and remember we will be able to provide better support if you tell us your name and year group (Please do not use offensive or abusive words otherwise the email will not reach us).
You can contact Childline about anything. It's easy to contact a counsellor by calling free on 0800 1111, chatting online via Childline's website or sending an email. You can also talk to other young people via the message boards. If you want to speak to someone or would just like some more information or advice you can visit Childline here.
School Nurses
The Manchester school health service offers a texting service for young people aged 11-16 called ChatHealth, which is a new way for young people to get advice and support around health related issues directly from the school health service.
Young people can text in to ChatHealth on 07507330205. The confidential and anonymous service is available Monday to Friday 9am-4pm, including school holidays and is monitored by a team of trained nurses.
What is it? How do I spot the signs? Where can I find more help? Click here for more information.
For tips, exercises and activities to help you feel calmer if you are anxious, scared or sad visit Childline's Calm Zone.
To help you identify and understand different types of anxiety and support young people experiencing anxiety, EduCare has produced this useful resource.
Young Minds have a number of blogs to support you if you are worried about coronavirus including advice for young people and tips for parents and carers.
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope. For more information about the text service and to access tips and resources to support you when you're feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed visit the website.
Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health
“This May Help” has been created to support parents and carers with concerns about their child’s mental health. The subjects covered on this website have been chosen by families and young people who have gone through their own mental health challenges. The films offer advice across six main subject areas, with ten additional films offering supporting information. The films can be viewed in any order at any time.
To watch the "This May Help" films click here.
42nd Street, a charity supporting young people in Greater Manchester, are now able to provide online group and one-to-one support for young people aged 13-25. To find out how to access services click here. They also run a range of groups for young people to connect with others and express themselves creatively, find out what's on here.
The online mental wellbeing community Kooth offers a free, safe and anonymous space for young people to find online support and counselling. For more information watch their video here or visit their website to join the community and access discussion boards, live chat and other online content.
The NHS's Every Mind Matters website provides advice and practical tips to help look after your mental health and wellbeing, including topics specific to wellbeing during coronavirus.
Mind provide advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Their website provides information tailored to helping young people look after their wellbeing and advice for parents & carers to support their teen during coronavirus.
The Children's Society has a range of support materials for young people, parents and schools in their mental and emotional health resource 'vault' including:
- Anxiety
- Depression and mood
- Loneliness
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- Phobias
- Self care
- Emotional resilience
- Mental resilience
The resources can be found here.
A good resource with tips to help parents and carers talk to their child about mental health is this guide from the Anna Freud centre.
New Teen Sleep website! There has been a massive increase in the number of people experiencing sleep problems over the last 12 months. The Sleep Charity have launched a brand-new website to support teenagers to achieve a good night's sleep. Access the Teen Sleep Hub for everything you need to know about sleep, including top tips videos, an e-book and live chat every Tuesday & Thursday, 6-8pm.
Body Confidence
Over half of girls around the world do not have high body confidence, and eight out of ten of them avoid a range of everday activities because they feel bad about the way they look. The Dove Self-Esteem Project has produced the Uniquely Me - Parent's Guide to equip parents with the advice and materials they need to talk to their children about the importance of a healthy body image, nuture their self-confidence and support them to be their best self.
WyNotLGBTQ Wythenshawe
WyNotLGBTQ is a weekly youth group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans young people in Wythenshawe, meeting at the forum every Wednesday between 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Further information can be obtained by contacting The Proud Trust via email centre@theproudtrust.org. The Proud Trust www.theproudtrust.org - provides youth groups, support and advice for LGBT young people and for professionals.
Bereavement Support
Being cut off from family, friends and communities because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is difficult for everyone, but especially for children, young people and families who are grieving for a loved one.
Winston’s Wish is an organisation, which can provide bereavement support during coronavirus. They have a selection of resources you may find useful to support children and young people struggling with bereavement and also operate a support service that can be accessed via telephone, email or text. More information can be found on their website.
Returning to school after someone has died
How your child’s return to school is managed is very important in helping them settle back in after a difficult time. Here are some tips:
Talk to the school: Before your child goes back call the school and ask to speak to either the child’s Form Tutor, Manager of Character and Culture or Wellbeing Lead. Tell the school what your child knows. It’s important that we understand what your child knows about the death and also who else knows. It may be that other children have heard about the death if it’s been in the media or is known about in the community. This is particularly important if the death was traumatic or the cause of death has not been determined.
Speak to your child: Tell your child that you have spoken to the school, reassure your child that they are not being talked about but that other people need to know because they care and want to help them.
Come in a little earlier on the first day: On the first day back to school try to come in early so that you can avoid being part of a crowd outside school, this also gives you a chance to discuss any of your concerns with a teacher. If your child is feeling unsteady about returning you can bring them to school and ask to speak to their Manager of Character and Culture or Wellbeing. We will highlight to them safe places in school where they can receive support if needed.
Keep in touch with the school: On your child’s first day back it can be useful to ask us to give you a call if we’re concerned or to just let you know how your child has been. It’s really important that we pass positive messages as well as constructive messages.
Keep the school informed as times goes on: Let the school know if there are any changes to circumstances at home or if your child seems to be struggling more than usual, this way we can keep a look out for any changes in behaviour as well as be understanding of your child’s circumstances.
Don’t expect too much: We will let your child ease back into school work, even though we always challenge our students academically, we will accommodate for their loss. We will set achievable targets. By home and school working together and communicating well, we will ease any distress for you and your child, additionally easing pressure they may be feeling around school work.
You can also contact MEA’s Wellbeing Lead via the Academy who can offer signposting, guidance and support on wellbeing matters during school hours.