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Careers and Employability
At MEA, our careers programme is based on Gatsby Benchmarks which is a key framework for practice in school and colleges.
The table below shows the range of careers and employability opportunities available to students across the whole school.
Gatsby benchmark | Year 9 |
A stable career programme |
Learning from careers and labour market information |
Addressing the needs of each pupil |
Linking curriculum learning to careers |
Encounters with employers and employees |
Experiences of workplaces | |
Encounter with Further Higher Education |
Personal Guidance |
Each opportunity has been signposted to the following Gatsby Benchmarks:The Careers Leader at MEA is Ms K Yates, Assistant Vice Principal. If you require any further information about our careers programme please contact Ms Oakes via our main reception on 0161 499 2726.
Karin Davidson a careers advisor from Positive Steps is at the Academy every Tuesday and Wednesday to provide careers guidance on an appointment basis for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Karin also offers a drop in session at break for all students.