
Welcome from the Principal

Welcome to Manchester Enterprise Academy! 

At MEA our vision is a Fantastic Future for All. This means that we strive to do everything we can to ensure that every single student has the best possible chance of a fantastic future regardless of background. Integral to this, we focus relentlessly on the MEA Way of being safe, respectful, ready and kind at all times.

We believe that our students are best served by achieving the highest possible examination outcomes as these have currency as they progress into the wider world and as such we strive to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of all our students. However, outcomes are not the whole picture. Of equal importance are social, personal, and employability skills, all essential in being able to thrive in the wider world. 

Our academic curriculum is therefore complemented by our Fantastic Futures curriculum. This is designed to develop students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural character. We strive to provide students with the experiences, skills and attributes to understand the world around them and to develop the cultural capital that is essential to succeed in today’s society. 

Our facilities are second to none in helping to create an exceptional academic, sporting and cultural environment and enabling us to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities as we build students’ resilience and knowledge. Further enhanced by the excellent pastoral offer available to support all students at the academy.

Thank you for taking an interest in our academy and community. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything else you would like to know.  


Mrs K Jones






  • @@MEAcad - July 25

    Students were taken bowling this week as a reward for being invited to all of our termly Superstar Rewards events this year 🎳🌟

  • @@MEAcad - July 24

    Plenty of us are counting the days until we get a bit of sun this summer ☀️ But just because it’s infrequent doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be careful. This guide offers expert advice on keeping children safe in hot weather 😎 Download >>

  • @@MEAcad - July 19

    ☀️📚☀️The annual Staff Surprise Summer Reading books and goodie bags (designed by students) are ready to hand out to staff ☀️📚☀️

  • @@MEAcad - July 17

    Congratulations to Toshi, Joseph, Jun and Steve who have finished top of the leaderboard for the whole year receiving their badge from the Curriculum Leader Mr Silcock

  • @@MEAcad - July 17

    When it feels like the whole world’s on your shoulders, sometimes all you need is a helping hand 🫴 This , we’re looking at the impacts of worry and anxiety on children – and how best to help them manage these burdens 🫶 Download here >>

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