Posted on: 20/06/2024
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- Relationships & Sex Education
Relationships & Sex Education
RSE is taught as a component of our Fantastic Futures curriculum. All students study one hour per week of Fantastic Futures.
In Year 10 students study the following topics:
- Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health.
- How the media may portrayal unrealistic or idealised concepts of families or intimate relationships.
- The range of different types of relationships, and the characteristics and legal status of different types of long-term relationships, including the characteristics of healthy relationships and consequences of different types of abuse, including domestic violence and coercive control.
- The roles and responsibilities of parents with respect to raising of children, including the characteristics of successful parenting and challenges relating to teenage pregnancy.
- How to recognise the characteristics and positive aspects of healthy one-to-one intimate relationships, which include mutual respect, consent, forced marriage and arranged marriages.
- That there are a range of strategies for identifying and managing sexual pressure, including understanding peer pressure, resisting pressure and not pressurising others and that that there are a range of strategies for identifying and managing sexual pressure, including understanding peer pressure, resisting pressure and not pressurising others.
- The facts about the full range of contraceptive choices, efficacy and options available and he facts around pregnancy including miscarriage.
- That there are choices in relation to pregnancy and where to get further help.
- How the different sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDs, are transmitted, how risk can be reduced through safer sex.
- The importance of and facts about testing and screening, including how to access these services.
- Facts about prevalence of some STIs, the impact they can have on those who contract them and key facts about treatment.
- How the use of alcohol and drugs can lead to risky sexual behaviour and how to get further advice, including how and where to access confidential sexual and reproductive health advice and treatment.
- How people can actively communicate and recognise consent from others, including sexual consent, and how and when consent can be withdrawn (in all contexts, including online).
- That specifically sexually explicit material e.g. pornography presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviours, can damage the way people see themselves in relation to others and negatively affect how they behave towards sexual partners.
- How to end relationships, and manage conflict within intimate relationships, including where to seek help, support and guidance for themselves or others.
- Gender identity, equality and diversity.
- Violence against women and girls and the impact of domestic abuse.
- Hate crime, hate speech and the impact and consequences (including legal) of hate crime.
If you would like to find out more about RSE, the Parental Right to Withdrawl and Parental Consulation or access further support; please click here.