
Fantastic Futures

While we place high value on academic achievement, we know that this alone will not guarantee a fantastic future for our students.

At MEA we provide an exciting bespoke programme of study that develops our students' character. We call this our Fantastic Futures Curriculum.  We believe that the virtues that make up a good character can be taught and learnt.

Fantastic Futures is a curriculum subject, which combines:

•        Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

•        Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

•        Religious Education (RE)

•        Citizenship 

•        Careers Education 

•        British Values and Diversity

Our Fantastic Futures curriculum equips students with the knowledge and understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them, supporting them through their development with us and into their futures, enabling students to become active citizens, that can flourish in modern Britain. MEA students learn to:

  • Develop curiosity, resilience, responsibility and respect 
  • Develop leadership skills and understand how to empower and help others 
  • Reflect on how their choices affect themselves, those around them and their community  
  • Understand what a healthy lifestyle is, understanding risks, risky behaviour and where to obtain help, guidance and support, both within school and in wider life 
  • Maintain healthy relationships with themselves and others 
  • Understand how to keep safe, both online and offline 
  • Explore individual identity and the importance of community, including their role as a community citizen 
  • Develop an understanding of difference, diversity and the importance of inclusion and can articulate what respect for difference looks like 
  • Be reflective of their own and the beliefs of others, developing morally, socially and spiritually   
  • Understand modern Britain, British Values and discuss current political, social, ethical, spiritual and moral issues of the 21st century 
  • Develop their understanding of post-16 pathways, financial capability and the world of work.

You can view what Year 8 students study on their journey through Fantastic Futures by clicking here:-  Year 8 Big Picture

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