
Progress Exams

At MEA, student progress is regularly assessed within lessons by teachers. This in class assessment is an important opportunity for students and their teachers to gain a good understanding of how they are performing and establish any gaps in knowledge or understanding that need to be addressed. 

In addition, students in Year 10 and 11 sit Progress Exams twice each year, comprising of questions from part of or whole past exam papers in that subject, to ensure they best test the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills needed to succeed in their subject as they progress through GCSE/Vocational studies. 

There are two sets of Progress Exams for Year 10

Week commencing 15th January '24 and week commencing 17th June '24 

Support for preparing for these will be offered by teachers and can also be found on the ‘Revision Tips’ section of the year team website. 

Student progress for Year 10 is reported twice during the year: week commencing 26th February '24 and week commencing 22nd July '24. 

In addition, we will report on students Attendance, Attitude to Learning and Independent Study completion each half term.


Information for Progress Exams for Year 10 - 15th January '24

Click here for the Year 10 Progress Exams Prep Booklet

Click here for the Year 10 progress Exams Revision List






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