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World Book Day 2024

Posted on: 19/03/2024

World Book Day 2024 brought some fun and magic through the doors at MEA, as our staff transformed into some well-loved characters from our favourite books. The staff room became an emporium of fantasy, filled with vampires, fairies, witches and more!

Students had their say about the 'best dressed department' by voting during breaktime and lunch, where the English department came out on top, dressed as Shakespeare's Macbeth.

In addition to dressing up, we promoted the enjoyment of books and reading through a range of fantastic activities. Students received World Book Day Tokens, took part in Read-A-Thons, Library Treasure Hunts and Book Bingo at break and lunch times.

Congratulations to winner of the Read-A-Thon, Connor L, and to Fathiat H, winner of Book Bingo! Keep up the good reading and continue to delve into the fantastical worlds of fiction and beyond!




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