
Message from our CEO

Message from our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 

The Prospere Learning Trust was formed in September 2017 through the merger of two multi academy trusts. Employing over 850 staff, the Trust has ambitious plans and is supporting its academies to become the ‘best that they can be’. I have a strong belief in providing every child in the MAT the opportunity to develop the life skills necessary to become confident and successful 21st century citizens. As Chief Executive Officer, I am working with our Central Team and academy leaders to achieve this for all students, regardless of starting point. 

Our academies are encouraged to develop as their own distinctive institutions, believing this is how they can best respond to local need. We do, however, work within a common structure and ethos rooted within the PLT vision. Good test and examination outcomes are the key to providing the best life chances for children and we are creating a collaborative culture of continuous and joint improvement in teaching and learning with a focus on the basics. I am a strong advocate for improving disadvantaged pupil/student achievement. 

I am very proud to lead the Prospere Learning Trust and encourage you to find out more about us.  If you would like an informal discussion about joining our growing family of schools or working for the Trust, please contact using my email below. 


Linda Jones, Chief Executive Officer


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