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As part of the school’s ongoing commitment to literacy, we have invested in a digital literacy improvement platform called Bedrock Learning, which we will be using as part of our curriculum and for homework to teach students the language skills they need to succeed at school and beyond – with specific focusses on vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing.
Your child will access Bedrock every fortnight in their Reading lesson but there is an expectation that they should also be accessing Bedrock from home and completing it weekly for their English homework. Students are expected to complete two lessons a week or achieve 20 points per week for their homework, however, if you can encourage, them to do more this would be fantastic!
Bedrock is easy to access from a computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. If your child does not have access to any form of device, they can use the library space (The Hive) at break times, lunch times and afterschool where there is a full set of computers for use.
Click here to read Bedrock Learning Guide for Parents