

This is a guide to the Independent Study (Homework) for maths

Both weeks will have a 30-minute task set on a new system called Sparx. Sparx is a system that generates personalised online homework for students based on how well they are doing and their confidence in maths. Please use the link below to access the video for parents and students to help you.

Parent Video:

Student Video:

How to log in (First time)

Sparx will be set EVERY Monday and will be due in EVERY Monday whether you have maths or not. This is to ensure consistency across all classes and allow for a routine to be made. This is to allow students a week and a weekend to complete the tasks.

Maths homework club runs on a Tuesday in F12, after school, should you need any support or access to a computer in school. You can also access the computers in the Library. This will become compulsory if the homework is not completed.

It is essential that students write down the bookwork code and their answers to allow them to complete the homework in a timely manner.

If you need any support with Maths or Sparx please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.

How to log in to Sparx Page 1

How to log in to Sparx Page 2

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