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Duke of Edinburgh Triumph

Posted on: 08/05/2024

Our Duke of Edinburgh bronze participants had a fantastic time on their practice expedition and all staff who attended are very proud of them. They showed incredible resilience, commitment, teamwork & independence, putting their map reading skills to the test and navigating their way to success.

Students left school with staff and headed to their campsite, Linnet Clough, where it was a bit of a soggy session setting tents up. However, spirits weren't dampened as students cooked some delicious meals, including a curry in the evening and French toast the following morning! A big game of tag and some s’mores around the campfire finished the evening off (and dried everyone out a bit) ready to get some rest before the big day. The next morning tents were packed down and it was time to begin the quest. Students learnt how to do a compass bearing, navigate maps and the four D's of navigation: Direction, Duration, Distance and Description. 

The students exhibited their aptitude for problem solving and working together to overcome challenges. Big shoutout to Sam who celebrated his birthday on the expedition.

They should be very proud of themselves, bring on the qualifier!


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