School Bag, Water Bottle and Equipment
Students are expected to have a school bag with enough room to hold a pencil case, revision guides and PE kit (when needed). Handbags are not allowed.
Mobile phones, AirPods and any other electronic devices should be switched off and also be kept in students’ school bags.
Mobile phones should never be seen or heard in the academy building.
Example of suitable school bags which can hold pencil case, revision guide, PE kit etc.
Not suitable as school bags
Students are encouraged to bring in a water bottle and fill up at the water fountains. Students should fill water bottles up during break and lunchtime. Students will not be allowed to fill up bottles when the whistle has been blown/academy bell has rung to signal the end of social time.
Students are expected to bring a fully equipped pencil case to school, containing:
- 3 black pens – required
- 2 pencils – required
- Rubber – required
- Ruler – required
- Casio Scientific calculator – (Optional. These will be available to purchase on the School Shop)
If students fail to have the correct equipment, it will be logged on Arbor by their Form Tutor.